13 E-Tiffanies Trial from 13 Months a Year




13 E-Tiffanies Trial from the 13 Months a Year Program

This introductory offer include 13 e-Tiffanies sent to you daily to your inbox each week.

What others are saying about the program:
“Two words: peace and confidence. Peace that I don’t have to frantically let email run my life. And the confidence that it’s all going to be ok if I don’t respond ASAP.” Phil Gerbyshak

13 Months a Year offered some great tips on where I could save snippets of time… making multiple small changes made a difference in time availability.” Laura Gignac

13 Months a Year helped me realize how much time I waste in between doing things that are important to me and to my business.” Debi Frock

“You gave me an easy system for prioritizing.” Ramona M. Chance

13 Months a Year helped me to get out of the email purgatory that I was in on a daily basis!” Richard Vazquez

“I was able to create more time to attend Crossfit classes three times a week and have lost 29 pounds so far.” Charles T. Kitzmiller